8 Signs your Central AC May Need to be Replaced
There are few things we cherish more than our home air conditioners. Especially in the summer, a nice, cool room is how many of us relax every day.
However, these systems are just machines. And hard working machines at that, especially coming off a brutal summer of record heat.

Like with any major appliance system, you should get your AC serviced at the first signs of major issues. That said, there are some dire situations where replacement may be a better solution. But, how do you know when to throw in the towel?
Well, here are some symptoms that your unit may show if it needs to be replaced:
1. Loud Noises
If you hear loud noises like scraping, grinding, or squealing, or even banging, you may have a misplaced or loose belt inside your air conditioning unit. Running your system in this condition will eventually lead to other parts becoming subsequently damaged, so it may be best to have your unit serviced ASAP.
If you have an easy and affordable home warranty from Trinity, a service call is just a few clicks away!
2. Indoor Humidity
Unless you live in a humid climate, or an area with four distinct seasons, you may not realize that air conditioners are designed to dry out indoor air as much as they are made to cool it. However, even in dry climates, you will experience a bit of moisture in the air.
That said, if you are running your unit efficiently and still notice some dampness in your home, this is not a good sign.
3. Weak Air Flow
If you feel next to nothing coming from your vents when the unit is turned on, you may be dealing with weak air flow. And, even if the small amount of air blowing is cool in temperature, there will not be enough chilled air released to circulate around the room.
This could be a duct issue, or even an indication of a failing compressor, which are major issues.
4. Leaks and Moisture Pooling
Any liquid leaking from your air conditioner is problematic, but some are worse than others. A leak of refrigerant, like Freon, is poisonous.
Much less worrisome is water from a blocked tube that is designed to dispose of condensation. However, both types of leak are problematic.
5. Broken Thermostat
If your air conditioning unit’s thermostat is broken, the system won’t know how much cold air to generate, or how to measure the temperature of the room. You can usually tell that this is the issue when the air conditioner runs for short periods of time before shutting off abruptly.
Fortunately, in such a situation, you will most likely need to replace the thermostat only.
6. High Electric Bills
Are your recent electric bills higher than they usually average, yet your rate of usage hasn’t increased? That is a clear sign that your system is in need of a replacement.
Of course, this could just be a benign issue, such as a leak in your ductwork, or a broken thermostat switch. These are simple to repair and full system replacement wouldn’t be necessary.
7. Blowing Warm Air
In the midst of a summer heatwave, air conditioning is beyond precious, and it must work properly at all times. So, if your vents are blowing out warm or tepid air, rather than a cool breeze, you may need to purchase a new unit.
8. Strange Odors
Your air conditioning system is never supposed to have an offensive smell, and if it does, that means there are problems that need attention. For example, a burning plastic odor could be a bad wire, or a musty smell could indicate mold or mildew in the ducts or unit.
Units with either problem should be replaced immediately. A frayed wire can cause a fire and fungus in your system can lead to illness among those in your household.
Don’t Put Off Repairs
If you have experienced any of these signs when attempting to use your air conditioning system, you don’t want to take chances by waiting for things to get worse. Existing customers can call Trinity Home Warranty today to schedule a service visit with a qualified HVAC technician take a look at it first, just to be sure. Of if you don’t have a home warranty yet, it may be time to consider getting one. Get a free quote today!