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90 Minute Challenge

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The Trinity Home Advisors 90-Minute Challenge

What if spending 90 minutes a year doing a little housework could turn your home from a liability to an asset?

We believe you can extend the life of your home systems while preventing thousands of dollars in unnecessary repairs in less than 90 minutes a year.

We call it the 90-Minute Challenge.

We have identified the 7 most common warranty claims which are usually denied due to homeowner neglect. Preventing each of them can be done in less than 90 minutes a year!

7 Steps to the 90-Minute Challenge:

  • Changing air filters on a regular basis
  • Spraying debris off the AC Condenser unit 3-4 times a year
  • Cleaning the dryer ductwork to the exterior of the home twice a year
  • Draining and refilling the Hot Water Tank annually
  • Cleaning the Dishwasher filter 2-3 times a year & rinse the unit twice a year with household vinegar
  • Cleaning the Refrigerator/Freezer Condenser
  • Clean the Washing Machine twice a year with household vinegar

If the average Homeowner follows these simple steps they could save thousands of dollars in repairs while also insuring claims will be paid if and when they are submitted.

Ready to get started?